inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, August 14, 2006

i got to drive through the australian outback. kind of. well not really. but check out the australiana. spotted on the road to canberra from sydney.

i also got to watch crocodile dundee. it was on the tele. and got to watch the sunrise from my hotel window every morning. in canberra there is a skills shortage. getting a job would be a piece of cake. especially if you're prepared to work for government. and who isn't. but, while a pretty city, it is a bit dull. not like sydney.

sydney has stuff going on. it is lively and vibrant. not that i'd really know. i got to my hotel on friday night, my aunt visited and basically didn't leave. she allocated me two hours to go shopping on saturday morning. during which time she invited her friend to come over. and so when i returned from a slightly shameful shopping spree, i was stuck with a dirty smoker for the day. and she was even more bossy than my aunt.

my cousin took pity and rescued me on sunday morning and we drove around sydney and bitched about our aunt and other relatives and talked about boys. and i drove past all these places i went with lena when i was in sydney with her. including her old street and i think house. although those places all look the same: ie awesome.

then i went to the airport where everyone was on high security and putting their carry on luggage in little plastic bags. and i went to duty free and got new lip gloss. H.O.T. seriously. i don't know how boys can deal with not kissing me. i was so into myself that i took a photo of myself in the bathroom in the duty free area wearing my new gloss. reow.

but anyway travel has made me a grumpy bearch. i got to work this morning after four hours sleep and read my emails with a verbal commentary that involved lots of 'for god's sake'. not that god had anything to do with it. my cowoes weren't that incompetent or anything. i was just tired and grumpy and really feeling crap for being out of the office for so long. i had to apply a lot of lip gloss to make myself feel better. and lots of people tried to kiss me. correlation or cause and effect. either way... the lip gloss worked. that said, what i think will work even better is sleep. and i'm about to try that. goodnight. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is SO exciting! i wish i could have been there to help save you from your aunt, though she sounds kind of intimidating so i probably wouldn't have managed it. when i discover my hidden lucrative talent and become famous i am so buying a floating pleasure craft to live on as a holiday home in sydney harbour. you can have your own personalized cabin. though i might get arrested before then because it is 9pm and hrc and worthington still haven't returned from their trip to san francisco so i am SO sure they have been kidnapped and it is somehow my fault!!! oh my lord. love h

Homeperm said...

yes. on the tele!!!!!!!!!!

also lena: how are hrc and cpw. i miss them awful.