but even though i was hearting newtown big time i still bought myself this awesome badge today. it is awesome because it is true. i heart island bay. it is my hood. where i grew up. where i spent 1985.

i learnt to ride a bike and to drive in island bay. i don't do the former very well, but i rule at the latter. in island bay i cried at the thought of going to intermediate and i danced in the band rotunda at helena's 16th (?) birthday party. i walked in the rain to the supermarket to buy the RTR countdown magazine when rick astley was on the cover. and i lied to my cousin about island bay (when i was about eight or nine) telling her that tiffany played a concert there. she was so jealous.
for years i caught the island bay bus. the number one. i think this is symbolic. the number one route for the number one suburb. i bought sweet valley twins books from the bookshop and clothes for my cabbage patch doll from woolly valley. and i dreamed of having my photo taken at chopsticks takeaways. this never happened but helena is on the wall there TWICE. how did that happen?
and the beach! so it is a bit cold - even at the height of summer - but it is beautiful to look at with the island and everything. and the pirate ship in the park. god that is good. the first time i climbed up to the top i lost my balance and fell down. the same thing happened to my brother. and later to my sister. i think it is a rite of passage. i am sure the more daring kids used it for more exciting things other than playing pirates.
enough of this. i need to get ready. another party of the century tonight and i still haven't decided what to wear.

yay island bay!
please tell me that isn't just a (beautiful) artistic arrangement of photos of a single badge, and that in fact there are FOUR badges so you can give me one.
it is true!! i am in chopsticks twice. probably they thought the other one was julia. this reminds me: when i went to small world coffee in newtown a few weeks ago i took a photo of a coffee card that was stuck on the wall and had *someone's secret first name* written on it in BEAUTIFUL writing. was it yours? i bet it was.
i practically feel like tiffany *did* play shoreland park, since there was that concert there in the 1986 island bay festival, where what seemed like MAJOR rockstars were there and i dressed up as cindi lauper. i *love* island bay. which, for instance, is why you need to give me that badge.
One of my very earliest memories is of Island Bay. We went out to the island on my aunt and uncles speedboat sometime in 1979/80.....
I was very little and it was lots of fun.
helena... i don't believe i have your new san fran address. but if you give it to me I WILL SEND YOU ONE. and yes... yay island bay. also i'm jealous to the max that you got to go in a speedboat out to the island. i wish my aunts and uncles had something actually useful like speedboats. sigh.
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