then it hits me.
i’m projecting.
i’m basically finding any man attractive right now. my good friend hels once referred to these as full moon days. i don’t know if she invented the term. but i likes it. the term. not the feeling, however.
i co-gave a presentation at two pm today and part way through i realised i was giving the eye to the older man in the front row at which point he smiled at me and I WINKED BACK. why hasn’t he called me?????? we had a connection.

also an older, senior, manager hugged me in an elevator today. love in an elevator, almost. the hug was not given in a sexual way. rather, in a nice and friendly way. i was gobsmacked. he’ll be getting some chocolate in internal mail as a thankyou i think.
speaking of chocolate… it is my sister’s birthday. i’m in pain. my stomach hurts post gingernut banana split. as well as being a way to celebrate my sister’s birth, tonight served as a useful lesson to me. DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN OTHER PEOPLE’S ARGUMENTS.
my mother is a pain; she stresses out. she’s never been late for anything in her life. so my father had to pick up family friends from the airport at nine fifteen tonight. at eight my mother starts saying, to noone in particular: well, i guess it is probably time to go to the airport. it is useful to know it takes 15 minutes to get to the airport. she says this about three times before i say “god, how does dad put up with you”. i left the house about three minutes later. to save my life. as i was leaving i said: see you tomorrow. because we have a family dinner in petone of all places tomorrow night. and my mother, says “great. so you’re coming. after ALL that”. this is in reference to how i was like unsure about whether i could leave work in time to get to farcken petone by six.
in summary, it has been a day where i’ve found every man over 40 attractive, and i have had to flee for my life from my parents. it has been a good day. but my stomach hurts and i have to start to write my presentations for a conference in a couple of weeks.

yes i have found that full moons truly are significant. i wont go into details in this forum though. it has been scientifically proven too. i just dont have the details with me.
Of course I don't have those full moon days anymore since I've been in a long-term committed relationship (yeah right ;)
the moon was less full today. or something. i was more even tempered and heated around the office. and around town i guess. phew.
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