current mood: full of heart
power colour: red
favourite accessory: tie between my yellow ring with flowers and my red heart ring
favourite food: malaysian. well that is what i had tonight. with NV to celebrate his fancy new job.
fear: of flying. but also of mice.
power shape: the heart, but i also like triangles.
power breakfast: i make my own muesli. and it is better than anything you've ever eaten.
favourite hiphopera: trapped... in the closet, R Kelly
i have my coffee: strong, like my men. reow.
the last movie i saw was: xmen three. my hot tip for hugh is that just because he has wolf like powers doesnt mean he has to have an ugly wolf like haircut.
power celebrity: janice from america's next top model for pure sass. but also i'm a bit lindsay lohan.
power tv boyfriend: pacey from dawson's creek. obviously.
to get to work in the morning i listen to: love of the common people by paul young on my ipod. daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to...
my parachute is: painted with brown and white hands shaking to signify partnership and yellow circles and probably red hearts
this weekend i will: rock and roll all night and party every day. plus i will study for looming exams and look after my nephew. i will be housebound basically. you should come and visit.
i can't believe there are no comments on this post. it was provocative hello. just as well i'm 2 legit 2 quit. otherwise i'd be all grumpy and questiong my reasons for blogging (fyi i LIKE feedback).
Umm. Ummm. Um. No comment.
I also heart pacey as the power boyfriend. except for that season where he turned into a complete anxiety-ridden sap. Maybe that's what relationships do to power boyfriends?
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