inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, May 08, 2006

i'm sitting in the dining room of the albany. the internet ad said it was a victorian masion with renovated 1960s block. it would be more correct to say it is a 1960s block with a victorian masion sort of near by. the dining room is like god's waiting room. it is all white. and cream. an there are LOTS of old people. i feel at home. and nostalgic for my grandparents.

i don't know how to upload my photos of melbourne onto this computer, so will instead describe them:

photo one: a photo of wellington. how i looked at 3AM when i woke up to catch plane. vomit (interesting story: i didn't vomit. but travel companion did. 'alcohol poisoning'. apparently).

attempted photo two: at airport. security wench told us off. and guess what: WE SAW PINK. she is tiny. and was wearing ugly tracksuit. she was amazing.

photo two - ten: waiting for trains. we got lost in melbourne. hot tip: in a new city buy a map.

photo eleven - fifteen: victoria markets. i bought the world's best socks. honestly. skull. crossbone.

photo sixteen - twenty: yum char on chapple street.

photo twenty - twenty five: selfportraits. obviously.

photo twenty six - one hundred: melbourne aquarium. especially a cartoon fish and a fish called murray. he he. oh and jelly fish. i'm a-scared of jellies. i was fascinated.

that's it with the photos really.

there are lots of hot men in melbourne. none of them have spoken to me. lots of older italian men offered us free wine last night. we declined. not sure why though.

i have shopped till i dropped. and discovered that i love reading maps more than anything.

today we are going to a real victorian mansion and then going to shop a bit and then going to the beach and then getting to shop duty free. god i love duty free. i heart buying perfume cheaply and liquor! there are so many liquor deals. the gin is especially cheap. i'm going to look like a booze hound as i step through customs tonight in wellington. bring it on.


Anonymous said...

I love Melbourne.

Homeperm said...

me too. although it wasn't an instant love. due to the getting lost and the horrible early morning flight there. next time i will pay more and travel at a respectable hour.