inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

i have this new thing where i can't stop flirting.

well, let's face it... it's not that new.

mostly it is flirting without any real intention, but other times it is intention filled. and as hels pointed out when i had lunch with her on friday... maybe it is hard to tell the difference.

anyway, i had a lightbulb moment yesterday when i was walking up some stairs and a man was coming down the stairs and I WINKED AT HIM. what the? anyway, i probably made his day. but afterwards i stood in the stairwell thinking "girlfriend, you need help".

then i remembered that i was probably just flirting for the sake of it, as i'd just come out of another spanish lesson where i felt like i was in a freakin' singles bar. the tutor, who in an earlier lesson had spent twenty minutes asking me about my search for el hombre perfecto, spent a bit of time asking me about my preferences with regards to how a man looks. the highlight was when he asked me if i preferred me with or without moustaches. hola! he is a moustachioed gentleman. i said, loudly and proudly, i do not like moustaches. at which point the class started to laugh and told me i wasn't being very diplomatic. i just think it is kinder to be clear about these things.

anyway. i am off to spend the rest of the day reading over old exams and cleaning my room. no risk of flirting while doing that. and frankly it will be nice to have a couple of hours off.


Anonymous said...

This self-portrait has got to be one of my faves!

Homeperm said...

thanks hels. i like it too.

strong light said...

I got kissed by a strange man on the street today. And I mean almost pashed. kel and I were walking the dog down island Bay way, and this little old Greek man stopped us. He kissed Kel on the hand but when i offered him my hand he went in for a full on pash. It's the most action I've had in ages ;-)
Some of my blind dates could learn flirting tips from that man.

Anonymous said...

This self-portrait is going straight to the pool room.

Homeperm = Fox of the Month of May.