one day i will make a movie. it will be about a girl who battles against The Man, by working from the inside of a big organisation and who, when she walks home, walks past some amazing city scapes listening to loud music. and often she will take short cuts at nighttime through school grounds and stuff and then she will listen to songs like once in a lifetime by talking heads and she will look up at the sky and the rain will wash over her and she will smile.
then again, maybe that is a bit done. hello, it is like every NZ movie ever made. cast danielle cormack in the lead role and replace talking heads with headless chickens and voila... who could tell the difference?
tonight i had a great and unexpected night. i hung out with two of my favourite people in the universe. drinking wine (which i don’t even usually drink), eating chocolate eclairs and gossiping. gossiping, aside from flirting, is my favourite activity. and i remembered why i like to go out on monday nights. it's like a fuck you to the working week. because mondays are dreary. people get chronic cases of mondayitis. since i'm basically a doctor, i can tell you... gossiping with your best friends over liquor is the best medicine.
that said, the person who was plying me with liquor tonight is also the same person who accused me of avoidance behaviour. and told me that the answers are not at the bottom of a bottle. ironical. i'd add that to my movie script.
we also rang a well known new zealander and teased him on an interview he gave to the listener. then i felt bad because i was tipsy and when i get tipsy i latch on to things people say and ridicule them. i could tell the new zealand celebrity was all like "who is this crazy lady". that the lead character should not be near telephones when tipsy will also make it to the movie script.
you know what else will make the movie? the way that the lead character is afraid of mice, her archilles heel if you will, and how she hasn't eaten at home since she saw a mouse in her kitchen two weeks ago. and how this is all part of her complex web.
at some point in the movie, the lead character will get married and will walk down the aisle to toss it up by 2pac. this is where art and life depart, because as anyone who is anyone knows: i'm walking down the aisle to you can't always get what you want by the rolling stones. that or ultravox's vienna.
anyway, my movie will rule. i seriously should have entered the 48 hour film festival thingamee. as a writer, director and actor. playing all the parts. i'm such a talent.
i'd pay nine dollars to see it. in other news i totally have one of those dilly toys. i should probably send it to you.
seriously you have a dilly! (hehehe)
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