and then you think "it is six thirty, time to go and study" so you get your bag on. tell someone who you adore that they should go home too. and then as they leave you get caught up in a conversation and you realise that it is eight o'clock and they have left and you are still there. eating fruit kebabs and talking about which boys are hot and which boys aren't with your two sidekicks.
then you get talking to a boy who smells wonderful and who is single. and who tells you you look like katie holmes.**
(here i am right now as i sit typing. i so look like i've just given birth to the spawn of the cruise)
then you get cold. suddenly very very cold. and no amount of hiding beer from boys and making them beg for it warms you up. you try to get a boy to give you his jacket. but forcing them to offer is no fun. so you leave your friend flirting in the corner to one of the boys that got on the hot rather than the not list. and get in a taxi.
then you speak to one of my bestest friends on the phone the entire length of the taxi ride and for the next fifteen minutes. then you go online and blog about the experience.
i've had one of those nights.
** i am making an inference here. what he actually said was that his type of girl was the katie holmes type. dark haired and cute. HELLO. what am i exactly? hence he was telling me i reminded him of katie holmes.
pash-o-rama city.
anonymous is like so evil. i don't take kindly to my pal HP being spammed. anyhoo i made over $1700 last month having fun, so SUCKS TO YOU ANONYMOUS
love from anonymous 2
pash o rama city. he he he.
also thanks anonymous 2. anonymous 1 can go to hell. i'm not clicking that link. it looks dodgy. HONESTLY!
You look kind of witchy in this photo
two thoughts hels: do i look witchy like i've just become a scientologist? and do i look witchy in a way that is at all hot? i thought i was such hot stuff that night. it would be disappointing if you told me that i looked witchy in a badjelly kind of way. but of course i would hope that you'd give me your honest opinion.
Ok, first off you do not look like bad jelly. Second, who said being witchy and being hot were mutually exclusive states of being. Have you never seen Charmed? Hello.
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