picture it. at a bar. i'm sitting with a good friend. talking and so on. and this guy i don't like all that much turns up. but there are no seats at our table (a shame) so he sits elsewhere with his friends. and he goes to the bar. gets a drink. goes backs to his friends and FALLS OVER ON THE STAIRS AND DROPS THE GLASS. even writing it i'm in tears. it was THAT funny. see i told you i'm going to hell. i would like to say i checked to see that he was okay before laughing. but that would be a lie. it looked like this only funnier. and with glass. and an audience. this is some random guy from the internet apparently called billy:
why is it funny? well first of all it was funny because it was this annoying person who pretends to forget my name just so that he can have some kind of superiority over me. but it was also unbelievably funny because it was the exact wrong time to laugh. honestly i tried not to laugh so hard that there were TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE AND MY BODY WAS CONVULSING. his friends looked over and i asked my friend to pretend they were comforting me so that it looked like i was actually crying rather than laughing at someone's misfortune slash unco nature. i am convinced that had it been socially acceptable to laugh i would have had myself a wee giggle and moved on. i'm so bounded by society. damn it.
nothing is as funny as when it's not supposed to be funny.
i know! that is the problem.
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