i want to be in melbourne. if i were in melbourne everything would be better. i would be some distance from my woes. woes? what woes? well i can't go into them all but i will say a couple of things: academic mediocrity (marks are in from assignment one), challenging bosslady at conclusion of a meeting leading to me getting my nervous shake on, tensions (of various sorts) in the workplace, easter coming up and no plans beyond spending time with my mother, no clean clothes. these things are what wellington has for me.
melbourne has trams for one thing. i <3 trams. not that i really know what trams are like because wellington doesn't have trams.
however, the world is conspiring against me. i have the means to get to melbourne. i've got airpoints. but i cannot get the stupid airnz website to accept my pin number. which means i can't buy tickets. no matter how hard i try. and i'm trying hard, hello. because i want to be in melbourne.
i have already decided what i will wear in melbourne when i order cocktails from a revolving restaurant slash cocktail bar. and i don't even know if there is such a place in melbourne. but that is irrelevant since i feel like i will never get there.
melbourne's only downside is that it doesn't have my friends. and some of my friends are outta sight. some of my friends take me to cooking lessons to learn to cook thai food, some of my friends post things on the internet especially for me, some of my friends come and check on me before they leave work to make sure i'm feeling okay, some of my friends take me out for coffee when i look sad, and some of my friends come over and bring titania's oraqle with them and don't drink my weak cups of tea.
but i still want to be in melbourne. maybe just for the weekend though. and maybe i'll take a friend with me. to keep me company when i drink cocktails in a revolving restaurant slash cocktail bar.
san francisco has trams!!! come and visit me in california in august. there are some pictures at the bottom of this page of the ranch where i will be living. just in case that helps.
Weekend trips with friends are always fun.
Hey love your blog. Wrote a theme song for it. How can i send it to you? It is 10,797kb long.
sharon!!!!! maybe i will come and visit you!!!! other people love san fran. and i should think i love it too. and your ranch! i love your ranch.
emertron: weekend trips are mostly always fun. i've been on the odd bad one. but not for years. i think being able to afford busfare or (worst case scenario)taxifare helps somewhat in making sure your weekends away aren't crap.
and conrad: WHO ARE YOU?
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