where did i get the pen? the women and young accountant’s quiz night is where. accountants usually suck. as do economists. but tonight i sat with cpw and his cowoes and batted for the infometrics team. and we nearly won. we lost by .25 of a point. that’s right, at an accountant’s quiz nights there are quarter points awarded. and excel spreadsheets are used to tally scores. I’M NOT KIDDING. at least we beat the young lawyers team. they came third. if they’d beaten us it would have been more shameful than calling your teacher mum in front of your classmates. thank god i have an extensive knowledge of music from the mid-1990s. but then again, getting a question right about hootie and the blowfish was a bit shameful too.
also shameful is being discovered. i outted myself as a total bitch today. i had lunch with the man who inspired this blog. mr homeperm himself. he is the most unintentionally entertaining man i’ve ever met. today he told me about a 40 year old virgin who sought advice from wwII veterans and of his feminist account of human rights in new zealand. and some other stuff besides.
anyway, after lunch i was on a high and had to tell everyone i saw one of the gems of a story from lunch. some of you, for example, would be interested to know that he has ditched the bum bag (or as youse americans call it: fanny pack) due to it breaking. but part way through my story telling, as i was telling his greatest knocker about my lunchdate, it hit me: i’m a total bitch and should go to hell for my horrible horrible horrible ways. because even though it is coming from a place of love for me, it could be misinterpreted by others and well, used against him. so no more stories about the real homeperm. but KJSDFSFN they are so good. it hurts.
also as you know i t is my birthday month. it is a big birthday. i turn 27. i am planning a party. you should come. now, i just need to get my act together to sort it out. it will probably be a shared party with one of my favourite people. who is only turning 25. but i need to confirm this. it may also be on april fools day. due to conflicting party the weekend before. but you will be the first to know if any more details come to hand.
Happy Birthday Month!! However, you should know that we're also planning a flat warming party for 1 April....
There's just not enough weekends to fit all the parties in!!!!!
golly! we should have an intercontinental birthday party!!!!!! we could ring eachother and everything.
and stronglight. hmmm.... one of us needs to reconsider. since we've lived in the flat for five months already:)
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