i want to talk about three.
the first = sweet valley high books (the only picture i could find was so small there was no point putting it here). my GOD they were great. and book three in the series: playing with fire was the best. HELLO. jessica, probably in an attempt to upset her twin elizabeth, manipulated a situation. the situation being her losing her bikini top in the surf. so risque. basically, from memory, it was like she and bruce patman may as well have had sex. right there. in front of everyone. i can't find anything to verify my understanding of this book. the world wide web is a bit lacking in sweet valley high information. or at least sweet valley high information relating to books i've read. ie the first thirty or so in the series. i stopped reading when i was about 13. when jessica and elizabeth's parent's were having a trial separation. i stopped reading in protest. AS IF the perfect couple who lived in a split level house in california would break up. AS IF.

the second is Logan likes Mary Anne. the book itself is lacking in actual sex. i can't remember if logan and maryanne even kiss. but logan was so handsome. one thought impure things about how handsome he was. even at like 11. or especially at 11. those impure thoughts tended to revolve around having him carry my bag home. but of course i wouldn't have ever wanted him to see or be seen by my family. so he would have only been allowed to walk me to the northern end of my street. where my mother wouldn't have been able to see from her lookout. plus i felt an affinity to mary anne as maryann (sans e) is my middle name. talk about soulmates.

the third, especially compared with logan likes mary anne, was basically pornographic. the story of katherine and michael (with the help of ralph) who have sex, according to the internet, on a ski weekend. just like joey and pacey. they are still IN HIGH SCHOOL. from memory this book teaches us awesome lessons, like kissing after brushing your teeth not so cool. and how going away and being a camp counsellor will help you fall out of love with people. and in love with other people. as happened in the case of heartless bitch katherine who ditched michael and slept with someone else. even though michael gave her a pendant or something with the words forever engraved on it. i may have made up the bit about katherine whoring herself around the camp. my memory fades with time. but i do remember it ends heartbreakingly.
also, by way of background, i have a pile of stuff to do tonight. none of it exciting. this post is basically me procrastinating. it has been a nice walk down memory lane though. also keen to know if i missed any books out. i was going to put anne of green gables, because gibert was my first love. but that love was pure.
what in god's name is logan doing with that small child's hand?
also: there was a smashing article about the sweet valley twins in The Believer a year or two ago. tragically the wesite only lets you see the intro (http://www.believermag.com/issues/200312/?read=article_benfer), which is the lame part about having sex with twins. but the rest of it is super excellent. it goes into a lovingly nostalgic in-depth literary deconstruction of every detail of the SVH world. eyes the colour of the pacific ocean. mother who could be mistaken for a sister. todd. lila. winston egbert. etc. the author was a brunette from new jersey (i think) and she spent her pre-teen years DYING to be a blonde from southern california. anyhoo, julia has the original, so if you haven't read it yet you should so borrow it.
p.s. you have set me off on a major Nostalgia Search.
"Although she dies during the earthquake that occurs during the SVH finale"... what?! i am so out of touch.
i loved Judy blume,esp "are you there god, its me margaret?". and what about Paula Danziger books? more great teenage anxiety about boys, popularity issues and periods. sigh.
Forever was passed around everyone in my Form 2 class. We spent lunch hours giggling and whispering in illicit horror about the intimate details of erections, orgasms, contraception, losing of virginity and penis naming that the book contained. Sigh.
Hey, speaking of flashbacks i thought you might like to check this out:
As it happens, jen, i already own *that very dvd*. so good spotting.
also, i just remembered i own are you there god... but i can't find it anywhere. but in the search i also rediscovered my adrian mole collection. one word: brilliant.
Well, did you see that season 2 is coming out in nz in april? You'll have to keep it as a search on trademe!
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