this is my garden today.

it is wet and depressing. and like my shower this morning, cold.
i would still be in bed. but for the fact i'm going to meet three of my favourite people for brunch v dot soon. but after that i might come home and watch dvds with the heater on and the curtains pulled. sounds like bliss.
March is the BEST month to be born. lucky us.
I have known precious few people in your hemisphere and hence paid so little attention to your odd seasons. But I'm afraid we are guilty of abundance at your expense, as habitable temperatures have just begun to surface here, meaning that somehow I have survived the winter and am not especially depressed about having lived through it.
Some people would get very angry to hear me talking about our winter like it's over. The level of superstition here regarding such things is considerable. Nonetheless, I say, "in your face, winter!"
how is the weather pete? i hope still warming up. things have settled down a bit here. and i'm reassured by how it never gets *that* cold in wellington. specifically, it doesn't snow. but it is stormy. the neighbour of someone i know lost their roof the other day. that is how windy it is.
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