Not reciprocated or returned in kind: unrequited love.
thanks dictionarydotcom. i rule.
at dinner tonight i won a debate on the meaning of unrequited. i can't even remember exactly my argument but basically it centred on whether if at one time, say for one night only, your love for someone was requited, does that mean it can never be unrequited again. i said no. i was right.
interestingly this picture comes from a website that is called something like "how to deal with unrequited love". yeah. good call. lying around with a book and sleeping lots are such awesome ways to deal with unrequited love. if you think it really hard it is bound to happen*****.
also, right this second, i'm emailing a friend who didn't tell me about a girlfriend he may or may not have. well my source say he has. his response: 'you're going to have to be more specific. which girl?'. i think he's teasing. but he's taking a long time to reply. maybe we're not talking anymore. emailing when you're sick - for i am sick - is always a bad idea. maybe i shouldn't have ended the email "your former best friend...". maybe.
***** added later: the website that this photo came from is so awesome. i've just read it. there are soooo many pearls of wisdom that picking one or two is really not doing it justice. but here i go...
In real life, unrequited love may bring about bizarre reactions in lovers - it could range from being the silent lover who never seems to muster enough courage to propose to the beloved, to the angst-filled suitor who will even try to seriously injure, mutilate or murder the person who has said no.
and there are case studies:
To get over the hurt of this broken relationship he [Ravi] dated girls randomly and even entered into simultaneous physical relationships with many of them. He wooed the girls with expensive gifts, and also promised a few of them marriage but deliberately didn't commit himself to any one girl. At the end of it he felt 'happy' that he "had taught many girls a lesson by breaking their hearts" but went on worshipping his ex-girlfriend and put her on a pedestal.
i believe it is more correct to say that "we" won the unrequited debate as a united front. by the way whats the going rate for a perm these days...?
Please clarify: how can you be wiritng an email and posting a blog entry at the same time?
Oh, that's right, practice makes perfect!
yes yes, perm envy, we won the debate. i thank the united front. and my superior brains.
i can multitask hebequeen. as you know. i can Instant message up to five people at once while on the phone.
and jessica. can't find the link. but your second point is interesting. hmmm. i thought no. but who knows.
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