inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, February 13, 2006

tomorrow is valentine's day. awesome. best take a big bag to work to carry home all of my valentine's booty.

this year, inspired by erin, i'm going all out. i'm making cards. it is more than i have ever done.

my cards don't have venereal diseases on them. but some have horses...

the others are equally beautiful, but i wont go into detail because YOU may be getting one. and i don't want to spoil the surprise or remove the element of anonymity.

i'm also going to send a million friensterdotcom valentines. But the very best frienster valentine will go to *pete*.

i call him *pete* with the * either side to indicate the tone you need when speaking *his* name. *pete*.

i stole *pete* from HRC. HRC found *pete* by navagating her 2nd degree friends on friendster.

*pete* will probably find it odd that i talk of him this way. i don't know if *pete* knows about the blog. HRC may have told him. whatever, even if he thinks it odd, he will probably think it in keeping with our relationship. see i have only had two, maybe three short friendster messages with *pete*, but already he's my most trusted confidant. well, apart from YOU.

*pete* gives such good advice. well, i think it is good advice. i haven't followed all of it yet because. well. circumstances have sort of got in the way. but when i get a chance, i will follow the advice. because i am sure it is good.

i would tell you more about *pete* but frankly, i know no more than what i've said here and that he lives in MA, USA. and goes to MIT. like my friend helena. only he has never met her. although this may have changed, because helena is also hooking into *pete* via frienster. that is such a *pete* thing to do.


strong light said...

pete, if you are reading this I just want to warn you that I'm going to hook into you next. I'm on frendster too and you're on my "track down and adopt" list. I need advice and you're apparently very good at it. Not that I'll actually act on your advice.

Oh, and hi Homeperm. Looking hot as always!

Anonymous said...

I'm flattered but I just want to make it clear that you're only as good as the last advice you've given, so if in fact I've done that great a job, well, I might be better off retiring on top. Because it very well might be a fluke.

Anonymous said...

this is such a cruel misrepresentation. I FOUND *PETE* FIRST!!! how tragic that though *pete* lives only a few miles from me and shares an *intimate institutional connection*, i lost the ball to HRC & GB, 19.5 hours by plane away on their toothsome south sea isle.