inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

love is so in the air. here is me. see the love. it is in the air.

gave an anonymous valentine to the man at my local coffee bar today. i wonder if he knows it's me. it was genius. it said: you make great coffee. that makes you my perfect valentine. xx ?? funny cos it's true. i would have included a photo of him here but i couldn't bring myself to take one. it may have been... i don't know... obvious... or something.

spent the evening with my sister watching her wedding dvd. see, love. it's everywhere. not that the dvd was about me, but i looked stoooopid throughout . i kept fidgeting and smiling ala insane clown posse. my speech was still funny though. thank god. but had to leave before the end of the tape because, guess what? other people's weddings aren't that exciting.

1 comment:

strong light said...

So, what's your next step with Mojo man? You can't just leave it at a one-off card... I think some home baking would be a nice touch.