inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, February 27, 2006

somedays i have sad days.

somedays i don’t have sad days then i get on the bus to come home and i feel awfully down.

somedays i feel like i’m not firing on all cylinders. these days don’t really bother me, unless i feel that they are impacting on my relationships with people. that is, i don’t mind having an off work day but if i’m having an off people day it is terrible.

somedays i think about how hard things are for people i love. mundane things, or gigantic things. and it makes me feel sad.

somedays i get stuck in salzburg due to fog and have to bus across europe at night. (okay it only happened once, SO FAR).

on days like this is helps to have sad day photos. this is my favourite sad day photo.

it is taken in a salt mine in salzburg. my companion’s face is hidden. to protect him. but anyone who knew me when i went to salzburg will know who it is. anyway, check it out. i look like a dwarf. he’s got something going on with his fly. his face, which you can’t see, is hilarious. there is fear. to say the least. and we both look like we’re made out of marshmallow due to the unflattering white suits they made us put on.

when i look at this photo i feel much better.

thank goodness for sad day photos.


erin said...

so your teeth really are perfect.

Homeperm said...

indeed they are. they are my one beauty.

Homeperm said...

we were moving at 29km/hr. which is moderately fast. but actually the marshmallow suits were worn over our normal clothes and since it was freeeeeeeezing in salzburg our normal clothes involved a lot of layers. A LOT.