inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Friday, January 13, 2006

this is THE most disgusting thing i have ever seen. or at least the most disgusting thing i have seen all week.

it is a mouse squished paper thin. it has been lying on the doorstep of my work since at least Monday. possibly longer.

i have a mousephobia. so the first time i saw it i went weak and basically couldn't talk for a few minutes. over the week i have built up immunity to it's disgustingness. and even started to feel sad for the mouse. which is an achievement since i believe i will one day die, or be traumatically injured, by the paw(?) of a mouse. but then today when cowo AL picked it up, all the feelings of disgust came back and i screamed and ran. despite logic telling me otherwise, i had visions of it coming back to life, jumping out of her hand and into my hair where it would nest and have babies and eat me alive.


Anonymous said...

Poor little mousey!!!! So did someone pick it up and put it somewhere else? Whew!

Homeperm said...

the mouse has disappeared. i think AL moving it brought it to the attention of the cleaners, who probably gave it the proper send-off