inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

cmy day can be summed up by these shots taken in my local supermarket. there was no vogels bread...

and on further inspection... there was no bread at all. virtually.

vogels bread, and in fact bread generally, represents happiness. my day was like the red and blue shelves here pictured. lacking in happiness.

my gloomy disposition is mostly mundane and work related. i had too much work. too too much. i didn't sleep well last night, because i stayed up late to do some work from home (which is a bit of a victory because usually when i bring work home with me i end up sleeping instead of working).

i got up early, walked to work (so healthy) then i had a couple of tiffs. with cowos. about random stuff. it is hard for me because, hello, i'm normally such a charmer and am so aware of other people and their verbals and non-verbals.

then i had to cancel my time off this week. i had applied for two days leave ages ago. but now they have to be cancelled because i have too much work on.

later in the day i decided to leave work for an hour or so and go for a swim in the thorndon pool. great idea except i got halfway and realised i had left my towel at work and had to go back to get it. then in the pool somehow i banged my head and now i have a bruise.

then the most depressing part of the day was having to go back to work after the swim and prepare for an out of town meeting i have tomorrow. sigh-o-rama.

however, like the red bread shelf above, i had wee spots of happiness. they are few, but most worthy of inclusion in my gratitude journal tonight is that my sister doesn't need my help with her wedding cake any more. thank god. we will still find many things to fight about between now and her wedding on saturday. but one less topic for fighting is one more chance at happiness. and it is a chance i'm prepared to take.


Anonymous said...

i loved that entry

but i think I had a day like you yesterday.

the highlight being caught in a traffic jam for 1 hour btw thorndon quay and paknsave petone.

sometimes life is like a traffic tram - gives you time to reflect, but you are so tense and frustrated that all this reflection just makes you angry.

and life as you illustrated is like the bread shelves - either there is an abundance or there is famine.


Anonymous said...

How do you trick a boy into asking you out? As always, I am in awe.

Homeperm said...

yep, vogels is a brand. but not just any brand... THE brand. will tell you more.

and how do you trick a boy into asking you out? gladeye, hello.