inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

my god i love gossip.

i love it when it is about people i know, especially when i don't particularly like them.

i love it when it is about people i barely know, but know people who know them.

and i even love it when it is about me. which is why i am spreading this story.

this morning a friend picked me up on his way to work. i believe it is called a car pool. anyway, i had to drop something off at my dad's work. so my friend took me to my dad's work on the way to my work. and my dad wasn't there, but my bigmouth aunt was. and she was like "who is this" and i'm like "it's my friend" and i could tell right away she was analysing every movement. and i willed my friend to stay in the car. but he got out like a gentleman and engaged in conversation. the conversation lasted like thirty seconds max.

i knew my aunt's brain was working overtime however.

so when i got home this evening the first thing i did was ring my sister. she answered the phone, not with "hi" but rather "who is your boyfriend". the news had spread like wildfire, with a bit of exaggeration thrown in for good measure. apparently i was in "full makeup" wearing "stilettos". apparently there was confusion about whether my new boyfriend was maori, but they decided not.

i have set the record straight with my parents, who i think are saddened by the loss of a future son in law, but i just couldn't let them believe i would go to work in full makeup, hello!


Anonymous said...

thats a v. interesting story
you seem to have so many b/fs...but I think I know who this olive skin boy was - I always thought a) he spent a loy of time in the sun or b)was related to Ricky Martin.
Hope there will be boogying in at the office parT...


Homeperm said...

ricky martin is so hot right now. all over again.

and the office party will be lameorama. which is why i plan to make my own fun.

i am formulating a plan, and -muzza- it may involve your fine self.