inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a while ago i got tagged in about a million facebook 25 things memes. time magazine dubbed it 25 things i didn't want to know about you. i've dubbed it a great way to fill my blog.

part two: 6 through 10

6. i used to say my favourite colour was green cos i once read that john lennon's favourite colour was green. i was 14. and impressionable.

7. i don't actually have a favourite colour.

8. ten years ago when i imagined my life now it involved wearing suede jackets and spending a lot of time in antique stores. i was middle aged before my time basically.

9. i have a mental block when it comes to president obama's first name. like i genuinely struggle to remember it. like i'm struggling right now. i have no explanation.

10. i would like martinis to be my signature drink. but realistically it is probably soda water.

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