inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i'm so freakin' in to the ukelele right now.

and this picture is proof*. although the biggest proof is that i go to youtube each night before i even check my emails so that i can watch karaoke style ukelele lessons. but it is making me handicapped, mostly because i have lost all feeling in my index finger. i only "know" three chords and my index finger is key to all three.

when i finally can play white sandy beach (of hawaii) on the uke i'm so posting a video. it will be a personal triumph. and then it will become the most watched ukelele video on the internet and i will be so happy.

speaking of happy, i went to a comedy act last night. apart from how i basically went to high school with the comedian (well, the comedian was a boy and i went to a girls school so 'with' is kind of stretching it) it had some excellent moments. and some moments where i was like 'jokes about getting baked aren't that funny'. basically, he was no adam sandler. but then, the tickets were free and two twelve year old boys gave up their seats for us when we walked in cos obviously i'm so old. 7/10.

and, while i'm wearing a reviewers hat, tonight i saw st trinians at the movies. hilarious and unhilarious in equal measure. but i want to marry colin firth so much it hurts. seriously. like i spent about 15 minutes in actual pain when i was thinking about how we may never meet. this - the meeting - is of course the only hurdle. because once we make eye contact it is ALL ON. 7/10 for movie, 12/10 for colin, 1/10 for my relationship with colin.

one final review: the weather. what the? i got stuck in the rain tonight in cuba mall. huddled under a shop awning. my brand new wool suit was soaked. but no sign of damage. unlike my hair. but of course that is partially my own fault for lack of care in the first place. the only plus side i can see, apart from how it will be like AWESOME to put out wet recycling tomorrow morning in the dark, is that tonight the dulcet tones of rain on corrugated iron will likely put me straight to sleep. which is essential because i've just had a shot of turkish coffee and a piece of baklava. i'm basically baked. 4/10.

*although it is actually not proof at all, because in this picture i'm ukelele synching. ie: not actually playing.

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