inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

so anyway today i went to the travel doctor to have needles stuck into me so i don’t get rabies. well that’s a lie. i didn’t get the rabies vaccine at all. only hepatitis a. and tetanus. the latter of which is the most hurty vaccine of them all.

anyway, i saw a doctor and three nurses. and they all tried to get me to promise to take condoms. because they have this whole sexual health buzz at the travel doctor.

but hello how am i supposed to get pregnant with the next baby maddox?

that is maddox chiven jolie pitt. not maddox the guy who knows dick about fashion. anyway back to baby maddox. he is cambodian you know.

i am going to cambodia.

you do the math.

plus i should feed monkeys. honestly, the travel doctor is systematically taking all the fun out of this trip.

in other news i am having a crisis with my weekly fashion challenge. update to follow in coming days.

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