inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i don't know what is more shameful: telling off the IT department for offering me training in how to use a laptop one day and ringing them up the next because i can't turn my new work laptop on or watching jason gunn trying to be sexual.

probably the latter.

so obviously because i adore tele, i watched dancing with the stars tonight. i was led to believe, by my mother and great aunt, that dancing with the stars was wholesome entertainment. for the family. but the web buzz around the show talks about one of the dancers as looking like "a 13 year old prostitute dressing up as a naughty school girl for fetish sex". which, if you ask me, was on the money. so not actually that wholesome. for more informed comment about the new greatest show of all time click here. and you have probably gathered: i highly recommend it.

i also recommend puhoi yoghurt, roses lime cordial, sir breadwins muesli and being nice to people. especially people in your IT team.

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