inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

here are my tips for job interviews:
  • pop a breath mint before hand
  • take a pen and paper and write down their questions as you go, and as you're answering pretend to tick off the points you wanted to make (people are sheep, if you look like you think you've answered the question, they might too. especially if they have stopped listening)
  • remove your chipped black nail polish the night before. noone wants to hire someone who looks like a lazy goth.
  • eyemakeup - no amount is too much
  • make your panel laugh. which is not necessarily difficult. the hard part is figuring out if it is with or at you.
  • avoid making miss world statements akin to wanting world peace as a result of your appointment.
  • pause before answering questions to give the appearance that you are thinking about the answer, even if you only have one example left and you were planning to use it regardless of the question.

i can't tell you if these tips work or not. because i haven't heard back from my panel. which is probably not strange since the interview finished at four pm today. i guess i will keep you posted. another tip, which is i think probably best avoided, this morning i realised i look like my mother.

i was just taking my morning selfie, as you do, and lo! i look like my mother in the photos from when i was just born. goddamned nose.

anyway on the topic of selfies, TRAGEDY! this week's fashion challenge was tragically cut short by the scattering of my beads all over the kitchen floor after an altercation between the beads and a door knob. but short as it is, below i present:

fashion challenge!!!!! part iv

week four: candy beads

history of the necklace: i bought this on my sister's wedding day. she was being a semi bridezilla. as in she decided about three hours before her wedding ceremony to go shoe shopping. i blogged about it at the time. but left out the part where i left her and her other bridesmaid and bought this necklace.

it went with the shoes i had bought. plus looked like lollies. who could resist? although really i often wished i had because it is really long and i had nowhere to put it.

day one: purple rain

i thought what would work with such a colourful necklace was to pick the general hue (a pinky purple) as a key piece of the outfit and then have the rest of my outfit as plain as poss. cardi from veronika maine (my fave piece of the summer), top from world season 08, and skirt from the internets. all up cost around $170.

i enjoyed wearing this outfit. mostly cos i enjoyed wearing the necklace. here i am first thing in the morning. overjoyed.

although truth be known i was listening to robert palmer on chelsea clinton so that may explain the smile as well.

i really would have struggled finding another outfit to wear with this necklace. i once had a wardrobe dominated by pink clothes. currently i own one top that is vaguely pink, but actually it is more purple.

the problem with the necklace breaking is that i didn't get to give it away. and pay it forward or whatever. luckily i recovered most of the bigger beads from the kitchen floor. so i may make a bead art work. or just throw them out. i haven't decided yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, your cardigan days seem a distant but mermorable memory.

Re interview tips - one of my favs is the one you mentioned - where you look like you are thinking really long and hard but not too long and hard. Simply: thoughtful and intellectual because thats the kind of question you want the panel to think they have asked you. But hello its one of your preped answers all along and all I am really thinking is great, thank goodenss I can get to use this answere:-)