oh my god i'm inattentionally blind. or something. at a group planning session i watched a video where you're meant to count the number of times a basketball passes from one person in a white shirt to another person in a white shirt. the answer is like 18 or something. and then the facilitator is like "all you creatives would have seen a gorilla". plainly false as i saw no such thing.
anyway he replayed the video and there was the friggen gorilla.
i googled it and apparently, if you can be bothered clicking on all the links, you can find the video.
anyway, good to know i'm officially not creative. just in case i was going to get grand ideas. not that i would. i'm so task focused i fail to see the big picture. sigh. i think i hate team activities. except laser force that is. laser force is only the best way to bond. although i was at risk of alienating my cowoes last time when i came out declaring myself the champion because i'd misread the figures and though that i was the top point scorer, when actually i was just the most hit player. oh well, an award is an award i guess.
Clearly there is a gorilla in the midst you baffoon¬!!though I tested in some cowos under more scientific conditions and you are quite right some people dont see it. I don't doubt tho that you are a creative genius and hello I think the gorrilla is a man/lady in a suit not a real one - did your workshop explore that?
I think you ruined it for me. Cos since I knew there was a gorilla in the mist, I was actively looking for it....
i saw the gorilla but it is hard to tell if i would've seen it if you hadn't told me it was there. you shouldn't have told!
yeah, in retrospect i should have just said: did anyone else get eighteen? i was just so bitter about being told i'm not creative that i had to share it immediately!
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