inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

so i think i have the consumption. I base this on the fact i'm coughing a lot. an exhausting almost asthmatic cough. except i'm not asthmatic and i don't really know what an asthmatic cough feels like. but i've always had a vivid imagination.

to cure the consumption i have self prescribed dvds and bed rest. so far the bed rest has been awesome. i lie in bed. watching the rain outside my bedroom window. with my fake mink blanket keeping me toasty. i even took a photo cos i was so in love with how beautiful it was. then again that could have been the formula 44 talking.

while i'm on the topic of formula 44, did you know that the child proof cap is also me proof? i literally take about five minutes to open it. which is just what you need when you're in the middle of a consumptive fit.

but yes, the bed rest. awesome. the dvds however are only average. i watched borat. i know, borat. it was lame. i only smiled like once. and that was about the ipod joke at the very end. my supersweet sixteen, which i hauled my bones out of bed to watch, was infinitely superior. as was hotel inspector - a tv1 reality series about english bed and breakfast owners that are trying to get AA diamond ratings. did you know the three things they look for are cleanliness, food and something else which i forget now but might involve lavender paint. this week the hotel inspector came across a couple of hard nuts to crack, but she cracked them in the end. three diamond rating. freakin' fascinating. compared to borat anyway. i have higher hopes for my late evening viewing: clerks II. i'm not going to let the fact it was only in theatres here for about a week deter me. i loved the first and as god as my witness i will love this one too. or fall asleep from overdosing on formula 44. one or t'other.

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