inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

this week i will:
  • wear my new necklace without asking people to spin it.
  • go to quiz, as in actually go rather than be in some other city and wish i was there. which is so ironic since i go there and complain about it when i am actually in town.
  • finish listening to every song on my ipodnano in alphabetical order (by song title). i'm up to W. once i've finished listening i can finally delete some songs and add new ones. and by new ones i mean style council's shout to the top. how have i lasted this long without listening to shout to the top every morning to kick my day off right?
  • watch the big chill on dvd. i borrowed it from my mother because it is set in georgia, USA and i'm going to georgia, USA. my mother hopes i will get to see the beautiful house in which it is set. i'm doubtful about seeing the house. but certain about watching the dvd.
  • try to get over how in love i am with marcus lush right now. i want to be a media star that then becomes an enigma who moves to a small town. or be married to one. reow. that man could not be getting more publicity right now if he tried. but this week i'm not going to be sucked in by it.
  • beat hrc in scrabble. i'm not sure how she keeps winning since i'm obviously the smartest person around. then again, maybe scrabble is simply a game of luck.
  • spend less than last week. not spend nothing, just less. baby steps.
  • go to shantown on saturday to spend time with ryles and continue to be the world's greatest aunt.
  • read a large chunk of the blind assassin. i've been avoiding reading this book for seven years. i think the time is right. kind of the opposite to the last book i read (generation x, i know, i'm like twenty years behind the times).
  • not go on bebo obsessively. what started as a way to remind my cousins that i am young and hip has become a twice a day obsession. shame.
  • walk to work more. it means getting up early, but that is good for the soul.
  • become a better person by doing the above things, obviously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i so want that necklace