so today i have been thinking about how awesome last night was. if i forget about how some drunk chick spilt red wine right beside my hot white kicks, and how the dj didn't have my most favourite song of all time (shout to the top, shout...) it was one of the best nights of my life. singing at the top of my lungs to ABC's poison arrow. and to simple minds. so much so that i'd lost my voice by hometime and the taxi driver asked me why and i said singing and then he assumed i was in a band and tried to talk to me about the awesomeness of being a musician. and it was like five in the morning and i couldn't actually find the words to tell him to he was on a way wrong track.
i have also spent the day contemplating movies. last night i went to edith piaf, the biopic (not its real name, but its real name escapes me). depressing. i can't believe mrs jones made us sing edith piaf's swan song (pun alert) at high school prize giving one year. then again, what can you expect from a woman who, with zero irony, made us sing she's leaving home to our parents.
today i went to the doco on on danny williams - one time lover of andy warhol and missing person. which was pretty good. but it meant hanging out at te papa for a few hours because i was too tired to walk anywhere else between buying tickets and movie start time. and i couldn't figure out the te papa maps and it took me about fifteen minutes to find the bathrooms. i was so tired i nearly cried in frustration. i also spent a lot of time in the gift shop. looking at the rangi kipa tiki. and the man at the counter told me i really should consider them because i'd rock it. and i was like: i already have one. but you're right. i rock it.
wow that's a lot of links. here's one more. to my list of things to do over the past week. haven't done badly this week. no (new) world dresses so i've managed to spend less. i won convincingly at scrab (like seriously, it was almost like HRC was letting me win, but since that is 100% unlikely it is actually just that i was seriously on form), and i watched project runway - a great introductory episode too, one where someone got kicked off for having contraband in the apartment!. i rocked AUT with my lecture on health policy and funding. and at the end people were inspired by my life story. like honestly. i know, i'm surprised too. and i went to the edith piaf movie and danced til almost dawn at atomic - as already mentioned. my failure was i didn't walk to work one single time. and i'm still in love with seth rogan. but i did join facebook dot com so that probably evens it out. overall about an 8 out of 10 week in terms of meeting my key performance indicators.
this week i will
- spend less
- go to the ian curtis biopic
- walk to work more
- plan some activities for when i am in new york, new york.
- receive my first on line clothing purchase, apart from t. shirts that is, in the mail and it will fit like a dream
- beat hrc in scrab
- at least freakin' come third in the pub quiz that has all of a sudden become popular (note i blogged about it two weeks ago, then it started getting popular. conicidence?)
- do some washing. i'm running out of clean clothes and when that happens i often convince myself to buy new ones.
- update my ipod. i have all these awesome songs to put on my ipod but no space. i guess that is a drawback of a nano, but small and perfectly formed is my preference for technological things.
- actually find time to spend with friends. i've been a bit bad at this lately.
- find a way to wear my hair that is quick to do and awesome looking. this may be the impossible dream but we'll see how it goes.
i have succeeded in one of my to dos. today i saw control, the ian curtis biopic. best. biopic. ever.
Hi, sorry, I'll take 'Shout To The Top' along next time - promise! glad you had a good night. Cheers, Bill
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