i am so in love with life right now. mostly because mine was nearly stolen like half an hour ago. i was walking home from the supermarket and some driver nearly hit me on a pedestrian crossing. kt pye. not only a lame licence plate number but also a hazard to our streets. i shook my fists at the driver. and he looked apologetic. but mostly i am still angry. what if i was a kid. i am in two minds as to whether i should report the driver, and i would be single minded about it but i don't know who to report the driver to. anyway, i hope he has a day filled with guilt. because it was just reckless on his part.
i however will have a day filled with being warm. my heater is on. my hat is on (the same multicoloured bright hat i was wearing when i nearly got run over, you CAN NOT miss me). the sun is beaming on to my bed. and tonight i get to partay in petone for a friend's birthday. life is surely sweet. my largest concern, apart from where one reports reckless drivers, is what gift giving etiquette for large 40th birthday parties? gifts other than my company that is. which is an awesome gift in itself but added to that is my designated driver qualities which mean i will also be bringing like three other people with me. thus creating an INSTANT PARTY.
my other concern, which isn't a big one really, is that i still haven't written my zine. i'm so slack about things like that. maybe i could write a zine about drivers who have nearly hit me. it would be short (one contender) but informative. i could also draw cartoons.

I was thinking about your zine just before. I was mooching in Cuba street and was like "Oh yeah, I wonder when HP is gonna hurry up and do her zine." And then that must've transfered a reminder alarm to you and thenj you blogged about it....
oh my LAWD is that one of HRC's birthday lime candies up there??! it is so beautiful.
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