inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

holy crap, i don't know what rules more. me, or wellington. either way it is a given that what rules the most is me in wellington.

this weekend i've glam rocked out. on thursday night i went to see the proxies play at bar bodega. i went because some dude at the cross on tuesday night was all like "i saw the pixies play last week". he didn't even invite us. even though i'd never met the guy before i was slighted. so anyway, proxies. first i went to mighty mighty and drank non-alcoholic cocktails and made eyes at the bar flies. then about ten thirty went to bar bodega. and guess what? only like ten people were there. i know it was a thursday night but the proxies! people, they are awesome. and on thursday they were polished like never before. y'all missed out. not me though. i was tired so sat in the corner blissing out, rocking out and watching some of the best slash most amusing dancing i've seen in ages. well at least since the last proxies gig.

then on friday night i went to leaving drinks for my favourite desk buddy. she's touring the world with her girlf soon and i'm so freakin' jealous. but then, hello i'm touring the states soon. so we're almost even. plus she's going to barcelona which i have negative memories of. anyway, leaving drinks involved me saying i was going home about five times before seven pm (america's next top model is on fridays, which really gets in the way of my social life). but i was convinced, due to excellent company and fries and promises of malaysian food to stay around. we went to the long bar, which is like THE venue for post work drinks dinner on a friday night. and we got a table with a lazy susan and i spent a lot of time using the lazy susan, for no apparent reason. a slightly too spicy rendang later i was heading toward ernesto where they only had average looking sweet food, and instead watched my friend drink beer. then is when it gets interesting in a glam rock sense cos we went to mighty mighty and glam rocked out. with the aid of cocktails and being fueled by making eyes at bar flies. there were heaps of people i knew there which was surprising cos i thought i was the only party animal in my cohort. and there were also lots of awesome performance artists. i assume that they were artists cos their dancing was so outta this world good. i mean to say, given i was still in my work clothes i was really impressing myself, but there were people doing coordinated jumping routines. respect.

by two i was exhausted so i caught at taxi home and got a history lesson about newtown from my cab driver. i was nicely boozed and sleepy so i was really into the history lesson. i was half expecting the driver to invite himself in at the end. so we could have cups of tea and talk about the families that lived in my area in the 1960s. crisis averted though. once you hand over money taxi people are less interested in talking to you and instantly looking for their next job.

then yesterday, after being the world's greatest aunt and being a pretty good friend (and after an afternoon nap) i went to see lloyd cole at san fran bathhouse. holy! talk about different demographic. 40s. couples. lots of mini leather backpacks. vomit. but also kinda cute. some woman banged my arm from swaying too hard and sincerely apologised. wish the people at twenty four hour party people were that considerate cos hello i get pushed and stood on as a matter of course there. lloyd was awesome, in the way that his voice was beautiful and his guitar playing rich, but the laid back accoustic feel reminds me of being sixteen and sneaking into R20 mutton birds concerts. anything that reminds me of being sixteen is always seen a bit negatively by me.

anyway, i'm a bit in love with lloyd cole now cos even though he must be pushing fifty i thought he looked kinda hot - although maybe it was the multicoloured lights. i'm a sucker for multicoloured lights.

so now i'm in bed, starving and contemplating a walk to newworld. even though i'm rocking for wellington, base things like the supermarket are so un-rock and roll. if i weren't so destitute i'd order groceries over the internet. but i should probably get used to being unrockandroll. tomorrow night i'm going to see topol on fiddler on the roof (for free mind you, but watch this space. because it could be awesome - and chances are it will be better than the other version of fiddler i've seen - wellington east and wellington college circa 1992). glam rock on.


Anonymous said...

retraction. i sat and chatted with my friend while they drank beer and i drank water. apparently some people think what i wrote in this post about watching a friend drink beer a) makes said friend sound like an alcoholic and b) makes me sound creepy. neither of which are true. apparently.

Unknown said...

I had the misfortune to hang out with some random musos who had just seen the Proxies play (a couple months back) and they were incapable of doing anything other than talk about just how much they had sucked, obsessively dissecting the awfulness.