inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

so i'm an alcoholic now.

part one: cocktails at boulot:

part two, cocktails at hawthorn lounge

with regards part one - cocktail was great, food was pretty good, but overall it was overpriced.
with regards part two - i'm so in love with the hawthorn lounge because it makes me feel like james bond's girlfriend. plus, i always see famous people there. famous in my world at least. tonight i saw felix, star of the saturday afternoon radio during my university years, and beyond. he wasn't as skinny white boy as i expected. while that is probably a plus for him, it was a downer for me. my intuition failed me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i met carwyn "zeta" jones for cocktails in san francisco last night, and he mentioned meeting you at the hawthorn lounge! i think i confused it with that gentlemen's club downtown where we went for soup once at midday (what was that called..?). i believe i have not been to the hawthorn lounge but i love it already. c "z" jones says hi.