inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

oh my god i have had the lamest weekend. i've made about a million (or really 13) crochet squares, watched eight episodes of gilmore girls and have loaded the dishwasher. oh, and taken a million and a half self portraits.
it hasn't been all dire (i've been out of the house etc...) but really, am i twenty seven or seventy two? objectively, based on my activities so far, it would be hard to tell.

today i am going in to work, which would at least suggest i'm under retirement age. so that is something.

also, on friday i got given flowers by some friends as a thank you (remember when i helped people after they'd taken recreational drugs? it was from them). and when i was walking back to work someone saw me and said: i hope you bought those for yourself and not someone else. and i just smiled. but really i was thinking of my favourite saying: i'm in the business of receiving flowers, not giving them. anyway, here are the flowers.
happy and friendly. personally i prefer thorny and dramatic. but then i'm the one who has watched eight episodes of gilmore girls this weekend so who am i to say what is right and what is wrong.


Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I want to see pictures of the crochet squares?

Anonymous said...

In an attempt to improve both of our weekends next weekend, will you take pictures of me and the non-internet boyfriend between the wedding we're going to and the reception? We would love you for it (like even more than we already do!!!)

strong light said...

ooh ex-internet dater. I'm also going to a wedding next weekend. What do you think the chances are of them being the same wedding?

Anonymous said...

This is Wellington, so highly likely in most cases.... BUT this is one of my oldest besties and we talk ALL the time so I'm sure we would have made this connection already! Though, this is Wellington.... tres excitement!

Homeperm said...

dear ex internet dater. if it is saturday i am so IN.

Homeperm said...

also, hels you will see fotos soon. and strong light, i'm going to guess it is the same wedding. because that way it would be more exciting if i were right and i could blog about the awesome coincidence and how i had some psychic powers and could see into the future and know all about the coincidence.

Anonymous said...

ooh ooh what are you doing w/ the squares?