inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

tonight has been fabulous. i watched the pilot episode of nine oh two one oh and i'm reminded once again how i wanted to be kelly but was like and andrea zuckerman clone. shame. why don't i just tie myself up in a ribbon and offer myself to brandon walsh already?

in a sense, actually, i did tonight. i went on a blind date with the only thing to distinguish me being a red ribbon in my hair. a tip stolen from the ex internet dater. needless to say, things kind of backfired and there was a messy start to the date. the company was very nice though. anyone who is a fan of arrested development wins my approval. and gsoh. and vibrant use of colour, and colour is important. and the conversation flowed despite obvious nervousness all round and the fact that some guy i once went on a horrible date sort of thing was there, at the restaurant, in the corner eating mussels. nice to see he's over me i guess.

anyway, in dating my problem is that i want to be everyone's best friend. i watched brenda walsh on a first date in the pilot episode earlier and i thought: that is how you do it. don't be friends. just hook in. of course, i didn't especially want to hook in tonight. but by becoming someone's best friend, the hooking in kind of gets taken away as an option. i have a lot to learn from brenda walsh and only twenty one more episodes of series one to watch. i'd better ration it. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

nice polka dot dress, kelly. though not nice enough to overshadow the key attraction in that delighful picture, viz. luke perry's fetchingly exposed crotch. one never quite recovers from one's very first love.

here is my hooking in advice, hp. apparently i do it and it is effective, though i hadn't noticed till i was told.

STEP 1. sit to the right of victim and stare straight ahead.
STEP 2. swivel eyes to left without turning head.
STEP 3. slowly turn head left.
[STEP 4. permit yourself to be ravished.]

good luck

erin said...

i always preferred brenda to kelly.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be Brenda.

Anonymous said...

So. Proud.

Red ribbon is a nice touch.

I love your work, but you so already knew that.

Homeperm said...

i wanted to be brenda too, but since secretly i wanted also to hook in to brandon i thought kelly was the more socially acceptable way to go. plus on rewatching it, kelly is so awesome.