so i'm 48 hours into internet dating and am somewhat of an expert. the best part is getting smiles from random boys; the worst part is them basing the smiles on me having a cool name and an interest in men aged 25 to 45 or something. ie: they are not too fussy. excellent.
the other worst part is flirting with men older than my father. well, the flirting is NOT from me. it is TO me. i've been told i have an interesting vocabulary. and have been asked if i'm looking for a man with a huge vocabulary and excellent oral skills. hilarious, if i wasn't grossed out.
anyway, i'm not married so i am thinking i'm through with internet dating. that said, i just now uploaded my photo. went with the blog profile one because it is a bit blurry and i think that is so hot right now.
you know what else is so hot right now? stepping out of the rat race. i'm considering it because rats are gross and i don't want to have anything to do with them. i may give more considerationt to pursuing my obvious potential in the arts and crafts movement. today i crocheted a hat but followed the recipe wrongly so it turned into like a top. that i could make a hat a top shows that while some people choose greatness, others (me) have greatness thrust upon them (in my case by the gods of arts and crafts). it could also suggest i'm tired. and because i'm a thruster organiser - according to my management profile - i will thrust and organise a sleep in tomorrow. ten am start? abso-freakin-lutely.

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