i'm home. i'm pleased to be home but not at all tired. but too lazy to unpack. although i have unpacked my passport and put it somewhere very very very very safe where i wont freakin' forget where it is.
the flight home was uneventful except that i had a fight with someone in the customs line who pushed in. well not a fight as such. she pushed in and i thought it was a bit annoying seeing as how i'd lined up for about five minutes to get where she pushed in. others bitched about her in a passive agressive way. and since i'm tanned and empowered from adelaide i just said to her, excuse me other people lined up. and she turned her head and ignored me. she had a new zealand passport and if i am to believe the politicians that means she should be able to speak english hello. anyway she was wearing very expensive clothes and was part of the qantas club so obviously just thought she was better than me. but i've been to adelaide. so i am in fact better than her.
i am also laden with chocolates. if you are likely to see me in the next few days then it is very likely i have bought you some chocolate. it is also very likely that i am not just empowered and tanned, but also awesome.

woah how did you do that with your photos?
and yes, that is indeed, the roach.
i did that with the fotos via picassa. i'm not sure how i feel about picassa. but when i have my doubts i remember how easy it is to make a collage and i take back my doubts and get back into it.
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