inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, August 07, 2006

this morning i drank coffee and looked out the window of my 19th floor hotel room onto a yuck day in christchurch. even though it was yuck for me it was perfect. i heart christchurch. i wish i had a badge saying same.

and in christchurch, this very morning, i introduced the world to my new look. the little girl from the yoplait ad look. the skivy and black dress look. this self portrait doesn't really do it justice. believe me it went down a treat. although nobody actually asked me if i was the girl from the yoplait ad. which i had expected.

anyway, i should go to sleep. i have to get up at four am or earlier to fly to sydney tomorrow am. being a jet setter is actually much much harder than i'd expected. woe. is. me. Posted by Picasa


Emily Maple said...


Anonymous said...

I miss you, you jetsetter

d3vo said...

I love yoplait!

strong light said...

I miss you too. Come back lady!

Homeperm said...

i'll be back soon. right now i'm indulging at the qantas club, canberra. but come monday i will be back in welli, recounting tales of my jet setting...

Anonymous said...

Ooh, you can welcome me into the new building.