but this evening, from my cold cold bed, i'm playing internet tag. thanks to emertron. she did well to tag me. i'm sick. and love to be included. so here goes:
Five items in my freezer:
1. fruit toast (no use due to broken toaster)
2. broad beans (purchased because i mistakenly thought i liked them)
3. a container of mushroom risotto. freakin delcious but flawed because i don't have a microwave.
4. kiwicrush frozen kiwifruit drink.
5. potato pom poms. mmmm. i wish someone would go cook me some.
five items in the closet
1. my flamingo costume from a party last year. think pink.
2. two tennis racquets. who knew?
3.socks. lots and lots of socks. none of them are warm though. damn it.
4. boxes from various things i've bought. i'm not sure why i feel i need them. do they serve any purpose?
5. christmas decorations. bring on the season to be jolly.
five items in the car**

1. a beer for morgan because he gave me romantic advice one time and i thought it was good. i promised a beer. but somehow i never gave it to him.
2. a thank you letter from my sister.
3. a flat battery. that baby ain't going nowhere
4. some plastic knobs where the radio would be. but there is no radio. it is a trick.
5. a petrol can. just in case.
five items in my backpack
1. my passport. you never know when you may have to flee the country
2. pens. many many pens.
3. a map of melbourne. i've not got around to taking it out. the last few months have been busy.
4. my business card. which is out of date, and
5. my gloves. which i may go get to warm up my icy fingers.
i tag everyone.
** not my actual car. this is a stock photo. i am too sick to take any real photos.

Wow. Do you seriously carry your passport around with you? Must make it terribly tempting to say 'bite me, I'm leaving the country'.
I've always wanted to try that thing you see in the movies where someone just rocks up to the check in counter and asks for a ticket to wherever.
oh my lord hp are you alive? it's thursday in new zealand unless i am much mistaken and you haven't posted since saturday!!! how am i supposed to cope without my homeperm over my morning coffee
weep weep
i seriously carry my passport around with me. i could one day say "ticket to .... umm... what would you recommend" to some travel agent and take off into the sunset. i probably wont however.
and lena. i'm here. i've just been out of town for the past week...
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