inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

this is the light in my bedroom. it came with the flat. i added to it with the flowers. as is my way. i don't get to see it much these days. anyway, i'm packing again. to go to rotovegas. the plane leaves in an hour or so. i'm weary of travel. lots happens while i'm away. and then i come back and all i want to do is sleep. woe. is. me.
which is why when i'm actually in town i have to use my time as best as possible. yesterday i had brunch. brunch is basically my favourite thing in the world. then i spent time with one of my favourite people in the world as we wandered the shops seeking out bargains, but settling for things less than bargain like. i hated everything. except one skirt. that i bought for my sister. i hope she likes it. it has a pohutakawa and is from this collection of streetwear. although the exact skirt isn't on the website maybe you'd like to buy yourself an awesome tee. i'd like you more if you did.

also my ipod earphones broke. i need replacements stat. there is not much to do on an hour long plane ride to rotorua. i'd planned to bliss out to mariah carey or somesuch. blast it. Posted by Picasa


Off-Black said...

My family lived in vegas for a couple of years in the very early eighties, when I was very young. The smell never bothers me, it just smells like home.

Homeperm said...

my taxi driver went on and on about the smell and how it was just papatuanuku letting off steam so to speak. that made it grosser for me. other than that comment i kind of found the smell cool. if that's possible.

strong light said...

Paptuanuku's wind? heh.

strong light said...

Paptuanuku's wind? heh.