inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Friday, July 07, 2006

so i've been in palmerston north the past few days. checking out the sites. conferencing. working. that kind of thing.

the conference got off to a bad start when the rental car company gave me the devils car. a giant 4wheeldrive. evil. and although i kept its use to a minimum i feel even more evil for enjoying driving the thing. there was leather and walnut everywhere.

i presented my first conference paper. and got eaten alive. the audience thought i was too young to be delivering the message. one woman said something akin to: your presentation was stupid but that's okay cos you're young. however, my presentation wasn't really stupid. it was just not what they wanted to hear. but they blamed it on my being young.

then the middle aged audience voted me on to the executive council. go figure.

there was dancing. here i am on the dance floor. i took a photo on my new cellphone. i am not to grips with it yet. hence the blur.

at the dance there was a boy. he was single. and i DID NOT FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE IN THE LEAST. what is with that. i knew i didn't find him attractive when he was talking about a CD and i didn't once think: i should buy that and get into his head. my friend at the conference tried to convince me that i should make a move or be receptive to a move or whatever you do when there is attraction. but despite the fact that he was more handsome, smarter, successfuller, funnier and more socially competent than the last boys i have found attractive, he just didn't cut it. hello! attraction is so frustrating. both its existence and its absence.

needless to say, some advice from others was why wait for attraction. go with the opportunity.

i would need a severe paradigm shift to go with that. Posted by Picasa


d3vo said...

Attraction doesn't come from the rational parts of the brain. I think it is calculated almost instantly.

First impressions kind of are important because you know right away when you find someone hot.

It's like when guys whistle at women walking down the street, we are able to decide a women's hotness in the time it takes to breath in.

Off-Black said...

Damn right. 'Face, body, face' and my first impression before meeting is pretty much done...:)
'Course, I'm married, so am thus technically disqualified from hotness judging.

Homeperm said...

i am not sure that it is calculated instantly for me. i can know a guy for years and think he was nice but not attractive or anything, then bam! obsession city.

but you two are cute. especially that whistle comment. and the being disqualified from judging hotness.

Anonymous said...

Hotness is in the mind too. If someone can make you laugh or feel inspired or special, that is pretty hot too. This is not stuff you can tell from watching them walk down the street. Or perhaps that is just me.

Anonymous said...

ha ha you knew you didn't like him because you didn't want to hear the cd he talked about, that's great