inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

when i was in christchurch i spent some time with a handsome older man who gave me the greatest gift of all time…

he said he was looking for someone to off load some of his vinyl collection to. someone who had a record player. i saw this 1960s gem and gorgeous version of the sound of music and i knew it was worth a lie.

i have a record player, could i have the sound of music?

he was ecstatic. so was i. i told him all about how i went on the sound of music tour in salzburg and how i had the time of my life. i told him of sneaking into the abbey and how it was the coldest i’d ever been.

he used to be a muso. so i told him about mozart’s birthplace and i how i went there too. he was impressed. i told him how austria is my happy place.

yet again, it seems, older men are the bestest men. anyway, like i said, i lied about having a record player. anyone know how i can get my hands on one.

also, my older cowoe who hugged me in the elevator the other day hugged me in public today. i can’t wait for the rumours to spread. Posted by Picasa

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