i woke up at 3.16am. i have a cold. a headache. an aching throat. and an exam in like an hour.

and the worst thing about waking up at 3.16 is that you are really really tired so you can't even spend the time productively studying.
which i need to do.
thank god for critical theory is all i can say. it gives me a way to answer everything. and basically that answer is: fight oppression against the coloniser.
and i will. by getting a really average mark but not letting it bother me.
i rule.
Look, I may not be very good at rousing speeches. I may not have the fancy words in me or any kind of logical reasoning as to why you will do well on that exam nor anything inspirational to at least make you feel better. But this I do know: the other day I told someone that, having gotten a degree in the humanities, by god, I can make up an answer for everything. And while I don't know exactly what it is that you're studying now or what you have studied in the past, one thing I can say is (cue lighting and staging of classic movie scene of your choice) it doesn't matter what kind of degree you have. It's not the degree, it's not the class -- those things never mattered. The answers were in you all along! As long as people in this world strive for justice, knowledge, beauty, and wisdom, as long as angels chirp and birds dance and children play the harmonica, as long as there is a place at each restaurant for every hungry person no matter the cut of their cloth or the flavor of their gum, there will be exams, and together we will pass them, each and every one of us! Now go drag your sick ass in there and make us all proud!
Pete, that is so sweet!
Years of television and what have you have made me particularly fond of desperate moments. Not realistic about them, mind you, but fond nonetheless.
So HP, did you survive your morning?
the answers WERE in me all along. i just needed to slow down enough to listen! *pete* you're wise as always.
and hels.... i'm done with exams. and now i'm romanticising study and how great it is all over again. one word: nuts.
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