the kairos coach gave me this wee gem at about 11pm this evening.

kairos coach makes me want to laugh and cry at the sametime.
speaking of which, remember that whole series of blog posts about how i'm a heartless bitch who can't cry. well, yeah, that's kind of over.
i can't explain it, and believe me i've tried. i'm just in a terrible horrible no good very bad mood right now. as HRC put it, one moment i'm complaining about feeling isolated the next i'm declining invitations to a quiz night. when hello nothing helps me remember my spirit like a quiz night.
the isolation could be ending. one of my best friends in the entire world got a job in my team at work. and what's more has prime real estate: a desk right next to mine. he started today and it is my dream come true. but then again, proximity can breed contempt. other risk is that the others will be so jealous of our awesome in jokes that they will end up hating us. man, come to think of it the fact we are so cool is probably the biggest risk of all. damn it. it is true: sometimes i'm my own worst enemy.
So when are we having lunch?
Nice! I work with one of my best friends & it's awesome. Lots of laughter in the office both from us & coworkers that just think that we're nuts.
hels - tomorrow!
emertron - i suspect my cowoes already think i'm nuts. but i can handle that if there is laughter involved. laughing is my favourite hobby.
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