this made my day

for two reasons. it has an article on the 'man drought' (basically my most hated topic) and because i know one of the 15 'dates' interviewed as part of the front page article. and because it is thursday and the zine is called 'sunday' i thought i wouldn't ever get to read it (on sunday, you see, i was in peach melba). but it just shows it helps to have connections in libraries. because they know how to get their hands on the goods when required. and so now it is in my hot little hands.
on the downside it reminded me why i HATE SUNDAY STAR TIMES. the writing style of the reporter made me want to eat the paper just to take my mind off the fact that my brain cells were actually dying. a painful death. (example: 'he orders the baghdad eggs without a hint of irony'... IRONY THIS i thought). anyway, that is not the point of this post.
the article reminded me of the numerous slightly odd conversations i've had with people recently. like the conversation about how if you are persistent you will win the love of your life even if they are like gay and you are not. hell, you can even marry. god i love that conversation.
i also had a conversation with someone who told me basically to lower my standards because she wished she'd had children. and i took this to mean she could see herself in me and hello i was wasting my youth with my high standards. thus preventing me from having children. however, i remembered (after the conversation ended) that my standards aren't that high really. she was just projecting. plus hello i love my job. and it loves me. unconditionally.
i also talked to a friend who went on a date with some corridor random who asked her where she grew up. and she thought this was overstepping the boundaries of normal conversation. i laughed hard. LAUGHED. at this. isn't it funny what some people think crosses boundaries. over coffee i'm likely to tell you all of my faults, reveal all of my insecurities and then mask them with humour. weakly. and probably tell you about my blog meaning i can never ever talk about you on the internet for fear of you finding out.
i wish someone would interview me for the sunday star times about dating. i'd give them some journalistic gold. but i'd refuse to be interviewed if they used their standard annoying writing style. in my interview i'd talk of how i do not believe there is a man drought. and how this obsession with coupling drives me nuts. and how i don't want to be part of a couple. vomit. i just want someone to hookinto every so often. and to hug me when i've had a hard day at work. STOP IMPOSING YOUR IDEALS ON ME. is what i'd say. just freakin' stop it. then i'd order hashbrowns and tomato sauce, with an ironic twist on the side.
OMG. if you were a big strong masculine man I would so drive over to your house and pash you right now.
SL/HP: doesn't flirting like this constitute work place harrassment?
oh my who is flirting? i wouldn't even know *how* to flirt, hello.
oh my slightly related to how i don't want to be involved in coupling: i'm listening to the new notorious B.I.G album and there is a song called mi casa featuring r kelly. and well, r kelly isn't looking for a wife, just someone to dig into. hmmm... somehow when he says it, it loses it's attraction. which is odd because i heart that man.
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