inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

i'm feeling sad.
but i shouldn't because YOU CAN BUY MY TEESHIRT ON LINE IF YOU WANT.

and if you want to see a close up you can... here it is...

it is quite expensive but farcken worth it. you will be the hottest thing alive if you buy this tee.

i'm still sad though.


Anonymous said...

I can't read the writing on the t-shirt properly, can you post a bigger picture?

I am sad too. Today, I had to go home at lunch time to cry on L's shoulder and eat soup and pat my cat. It helped.

Homeperm said...

i did have a bigger version but i deleted it. sorry. use a magnifying glass...

Anonymous said...

yes i feel sad too... i miss my parents. mind you i never really knew them - that just makes it worse.

Anonymous said...

Suit yourself, but you could be losing a sale.

My eyes are very weak you know from spending my days face to face with a computer screen. Sigh.

strong light said...

Oi hels, can you email me at work? I need to ask you something. Or Homeperm, can you send me Hel's email address?
Also, that shirt is hot but a tad too blue.

Homeperm said...

oh my annie. that is sad. i should introduce you to my friend pam the pup. well, she's not really my friend. i bad mouth her and call her prissy pam. anyway prissy pam the pup is actually really good at lifing one's mood. i'll ask her to write you an uplifting letter.

and hels, sorry i'll see what i can do about size but i'm thinking nothing. you will have to BUY the tee to find out. or maybe i will. let's face it. it is the world's most awesome tee. especially because it is blue. so i'd be a fool not to buy it.