how long is too long to keep a text message? tonight i changed a man's life by making him delete a text message he had held onto for ten months. i gave him a hometruth. it was not the text message that was important to him. it was not the words themselves. it was the feeling that he felt when he received that text message that he was holding on to. i made it clear noone could ever take that feeling away from him. so he needed to delete it. then he deleted it and now i feel bad. i may have been too harsh. obviously, the text message was from a lady friend.
oh and dig the picture? i drew that in a meeting the other day. while my mind was wandering. my god i should give up my day job and become an artist (slash life coach). i'd be fantastic.
oh and i said that i wouldn't blog about the text message incident. but i have. but i'm sure you will agree, i haven't exactly given away any identifying details. have i?
the internet is the best place in the world FULLSTOP
have a good weekend and look after cal she is drinking too much!
thanks jessica. and 'anonymous' (i feel special having a cyberceleb commenting on my blog. that is, if you are who i think you are).
I have text messages on my phone that are two years old. I don't see the problem with that.
yes i have given this some thought. a good text can be like a haiku poem and have much meaning. Im sure homeperm would not throw away poetry from a man friend so why not keep a memorable text?
first i want to say that two years is fine to keep a text message in theory. but it would depend on the text message. personally i would not keep a text message that long. i barely keep them two days. i need also to stress that the deleted text message mentioned in this post was not poetry. it was pornography. if it were poetry i may have had a different opinion on whether to delete it or not. i also want to stress that a male has never sent me poetry via text message. do they even do that kind of thing. i would recommend that if a boy wanted my attention, they should send me the lyrics to sophie b hawkin's damn... i wish i was your lover. they would have me at damn.
let me clarify dearest homperm. i just wanted to suggest that a good text message could be the modern equivalent of a poem. As writing a poem to a loved one with a quill dipped in ink is no longer a given these days unfort. So we have to resort to cherishing little text poemettes.
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