buying them was an ordeal. i went shopping by myself. you see i needed a new pen and somehow in the process ended up in clothes stores looking for a new denim skirt. and guess what: THE FASHION INDUSTRY IS CONSPIRING AGAINST ME AND THERE ARE NO DENIM SKIRTS LONGER THAN HIP LENGTH IN WELLINGTON. so i ended up taking some jeans into the changing room. and then strongerlight rang me on my cellphone and had to put up with around 17 minutes of me saying "i could get them but then... no i wont get them... but if i got them... maybe i should just do it.... but they look awful.... i will NOT wear them in public... but they are as good as jeans are ever going to get on me... and it is winter" or whatever. the phone call probably cost more than the jeans. i bet she was regretful re: making that call.
then when i got home i thought: why study when you can bake? and i honoured our war veterans by making anzac biscuits. then i plonked them in a corgi tin, to honour our queen (who recently celebrated her birthday), and now i post the picture on the internet. as my recent guest pointed out, the bottoms of the biscuits are a bit on dark side (due to over cooking). i say it adds to the anzac spirit.

they are delicious. if you come and visit me i will give you one and a cup of tea. hopefully you wont all visit though. because i'm going to the dawn service on tuesday morning and will probably need to take a couple with me to give me a sugar hit and stop me coupling over at five am or whenever dawn is these days.
come on guys. this post was great. i mean i took a photo of my behind. nothing says validate me like taking a photo of your butt and putting it on the freakin' internet.
oh great. i finally get a comment on this post and it is spam. brilliant.
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