inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

this is aubergine surprise Posted by Picasa

the surprise is that it comes in a can. it is cheating big time. but it is great. it is aubergine in a tomato sauce. i know what you're thinking. HOMEPERM, you're thinking, YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO TOMATO. i am only allergic to tomatoes in their raw form. not in sauce. thank goodness.

if you were to make it yourself, *pete*, i'd fry some sliced aubergine and mix it with tomato based sauce that you had been cooking for say three or four hours on a low heat. then serve with brown rice. delicious.


Anonymous said...

Homeperm, Hello
There is only one way to cook tomatos and hello, I should know.
Long and slow, like making love and good s*x - all night long, oh and lots of garlic and good herbs. Fresh is best. Freshly picked, straight into the slow bake oven - drizzled with a little olivio olive oil - viola and vita. alas, resorting to a tin - what would pocess you woman?

Homeperm said...

numberone hebehobo: you are obsessed with sex at the moment. and numbertwo: it is a fancy tin and it was quite spendy from the med. foods warehouse. is that better?

Anonymous said...

OK, this is approximately one of my regular ways of cooking the noble aubergine, complete with eight-hour tomato sauce straight out of the new Crock Pot.

Homeperm said...

oh no *pete*. i don't think you're very impressed. i will think of something much more exciting and i will experiment THEN share it with you.

Anonymous said...

Aubergine = eggplant. When you eat as much of it as I do, it's refreshing to have something else to call it, because I just get tired of hearing myself talk about eggplant all the time.