inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

just so you know, i want fireworks:

but i'll happily settle for someone who has seasons one and two of buffy the so called vampire slayer on dvd.


strong light said...

buffy is waaaayyy better than fireworks. But neither is as awesome as having an abstract accepted for a big conference!!!

Homeperm said...

it's not *that* big. but still. awesome, ahe?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you just totally ignored me whenever I used to rave onto you about Buffy. I guess I'll never get a job in sales.

Homeperm said...

hels. this is a direct quote from when s-l tried the hard sell on me about buffy.

"hels got really into it a couple of years ago". the tone being the thing. the tone being: therefore it MUST BE COOL. as you said... you softened me!

Anonymous said...

Actually, in NZ you can only buy fireworks for about one month of the year and that is in November or something. You have to buy all your fireworks then and eek them out over the year.

Homeperm said...

that's what i've been doing wrong. looking for fireworks at the wrong time of the year! duh. it all seems obvious now.

Anonymous said...

I recommend renting Buffy from the City Library. You can get one DVD with four episodes for a dollar a week. And there is usually fairly low turnover on the first and second season episodes so they are easy to find. I'm afraid I'm disclosing far too much BUT I used to put reserves on the DVD's when they were out.