inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

just in case you were wondering... i'm feeling much better today

i have a healthy glow about me.

do you ever analyse things to the point of inaction? because hello it is the theme of my life.

right now i'm sitting in my home office, otherwise known as my kitchen contemplating starting my assignment in earnest. so far, instead of actually doing one seconds work actually typing or reading anything i've:
  • thought about whether this is really the right assignment for me
  • thought about where the assignment will position me in terms of my not yet decided on masters thesis
  • thought about whether there is anyway i can use this assignment for the conference paper i have specially asked to write. the conference is in canberra. my fingers are crossed to the power of infinity that the conference organisers will accept a late abstract/paper

and this is in addition to all of my assignment avoiding activities. activities include blogging (duh), creating a new amazing dish that i like to call aubergine surprise, telephoning HRC to tell her about aubergine surprise, watching the freakin' gilmore girls, taking a MILLION selfportraits.

i analyse other parts of my life too. and i would so love to share them with you. but ever since a coworker ANNOUNCED MY BLOG AT MORNING TEA a few months ago, i'm all nervous about being too open in the blogworld. maybe i should make like jessica and create another blogsite with poems. you can hide a lot of stuff in poetry. i'd probably call it powertry. because i am powerful with words.

also, in unrelated news, i had a great meeting today where the meeting began by someone saying "ew i feel like gin" and, in light of last night's whisky discussion, was like "ew, i want whisky". the conversation was surreal and i loved every minute...

a: you look like a chardonnay man

b: really, i'm actually more into whisky

a (to ME): and i thought you were sherry

homeperm: yeah, NO.

b(to a): i think you'd like people to think you were into tequila, but i think you're riesling.

a: ew worms. no i'm white wine.

homeperm (quitely to herself): oh my god their entire agency will now think i'm a sherry drinking booze hound. AWESOME.


strong light said...

You looked sooooo hot today.

Homeperm said...

ditto. we were awesome tights ladies today. you in your diamonds. me in my stripes. is there anyone cooler than us? maybe, but they weren't wearing tights as cool as ours.

Anonymous said...

yes i have been watching the quaint Gilmore Gals lately. what did luke and lorelei have such a huge fight about it? i really like watching tv at the moment. its so uncool to say that. all the cool people saay "urgh i never watch Tv" ahe. anyway your portrait today is very hepburnesque.

Anonymous said...

true story. last saturday i went to a cocktail party and a man handed me a bottle of tequila. i'd already had home-distilled corn whiskey (a.k.a. *turpentine*), and two kinds of gin. so when i saw the man's finger through the tequila bottle i construed it as a worm. then i began to scream. the end.

Homeperm said...

since jessica brought up spelling (hehehe keith) i need to make sure people don't think i can't spell whisky.w hisky = country of origin scotland, canada or japan. whiskey = ireland, USofA. and obviously, i am a scotch whisky gal.

also, i think luke and lorelei had a fight over lorelei's mother being a bearch. i missed the beginning. did you see rory's sweater. with the ski bunny on it. i want it sooo bad.

Anonymous said...

Please elaborate re: aubergine surprise, as I am in need of more ideas for this wonderful vegetable (yes, I know it's a fruit).

Emily Maple said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

so hot right now - must be because its the birthday equinox comingup

Homeperm said...

pete... i will dedicate yet another blog to you. well you and aubergines will share the spot light.

and alfred.... are you one of my secret admirers? also, i know. it is BIRTHDAY SEASON AND I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MYSELF.